
You can use the Tcases Plugin to:

Running Tcases

The tcases:tcases goal runs Tcases on the system input definition for all of the Tcases projects found in the inputDir specified by the plugin configuration. By default, the inputDir is assumed to be ${basedir}/src/test/tcases.

Each project defines the input space model and coverage model for a specific system-under-test. The tcases:tcases goal refers to all of the input files for a project named ${projectName} using the following default conventions. The file ${type} extension can be either "xml" or "json".

But you can customize these defaults using goal configuration parameters, either in your POM or in the Maven command line.

When tcases:tcases runs, it executes each project by reading its input files and generating test cases for the system-under-test in the outDir specified by the plugin configuration. By default, the outDir is assumed to be ${}/tcases. By default, the name of the generated test definition file is either ${projectName}-Test.xml or ${projectName}-Test.json, depending on the content type configuration.

Using JSON

Tcases can read and write documents using either XML or JSON data formats. Because XML is the original default format used by Tcases, all of the examples in this guide assume you are using XML. But everything described here can also be done using JSON files instead. To learn how, see Tcases: The Complete Guide.

Generating Test Cases

Let's assume you are using the default Tcases configuration. Suppose you have a Tcases project defined by a system input definition file named ${basedir}/src/test/tcases/org/cornutum/tcases/find-Input.xml that looks like this.

What happens when you run the following command?

mvn tcases:tcases

Tcases then generates a test definition file named ${basedir}/target/tcases/org/cornutum/tcases/find-Test.xml that looks like this: for the "find" function, a list of test case definitions, each of which defines values for all of the function's input variables.

<?xml version="1.0"?> 
<TestCases system="Examples"> 
  <Function name="find"> 
    <TestCase id="0"> 
      <Input type="arg"> 
        <Var name="pattern.size" value="empty"/> 
        <Var name="pattern.quoted" value="yes"/> 
        <Var name="pattern.blanks" value="NA"/> 
        <Var name="pattern.embeddedQuotes" value="NA"/> 
        <Var name="fileName" value="defined"/> 
      <Input type="env"> 
        <Var name="file.exists" value="yes"/> 
        <Var name="file.contents.linesLongerThanPattern" value="one"/> 
        <Var name="file.contents.patterns" value="NA"/> 
        <Var name="file.contents.patternsInLine" value="NA"/> 

Generating An HTML Report

The basic form for test case definitions is pretty simple. But let's face it -- reading this document is not always a lot of fun. It's not necessarily what you'd want to hand someone for guidance during manual testing. So how about looking at the same information in a nice Web page on your browser?

Suppose you have a Tcases project defined by a system input definition file named ${basedir}/src/test/tcases/org/cornutum/tcases/find-Input.xml that looks like this.

What happens when you run the following command?

mvn tcases:tcases -Dhtml=true

Tcases then writes test definitions in the form of an HTML file named ${basedir}/target/tcases/org/cornutum/tcases/find-Test.htm that looks like this.

Generating JUnit/TestNG Tests

Suppose you have a Tcases project defined by a system input definition file named ${basedir}/src/test/tcases/org/cornutum/tcases/find-Input.xml that looks like this.

What happens when you run the following command?

mvn tcases:tcases -Djunit=true

Tcases then generates a test definition file named ${basedir}/target/tcases/org/cornutum/tcases/ that looks like this: a template for a JUnit or TestNG test class.

  * Tests {@link Examples#find find()} using the following inputs.
  * <P>
  * <TABLE border="1" cellpadding="8">
  * <TR align="left"><TH colspan=2> 0. find (Success) </TH></TR>
  * <TR align="left"><TH> Input Choice </TH> <TH> Value </TH></TR>
  * <TR><TD> pattern.size </TD> <TD> empty </TD> </TR>
  * <TR><TD> pattern.quoted </TD> <TD> yes </TD> </TR>
  * <TR><TD> pattern.blanks </TD> <TD> NA </TD> </TR>
  * <TR><TD> pattern.embeddedQuotes </TD> <TD> NA </TD> </TR>
  * <TR><TD> fileName </TD> <TD> defined </TD> </TR>
  * <TR><TD> file.exists </TD> <TD> yes </TD> </TR>
  * <TR><TD> file.contents.linesLongerThanPattern </TD> <TD> one </TD> </TR>
  * <TR><TD> file.contents.patterns </TD> <TD> NA </TD> </TR>
  * <TR><TD> file.contents.patternsInLine </TD> <TD> NA </TD> </TR>
  * </TABLE>
  * </P>
  public void find_0()
    // Given...

    // When...

    // Then...

Notice that each test case definition has been transformed into a @Test method. The name of the method is based on the Function name in the system input definition. And the Javadoc comments describe the input values for this test case. The body of the method is empty, waiting for the implementation to be filled in by you.

Selecting Projects To Execute

You can control which Tcases projects are executed using the inputDef configuration parameter. By default, the inputDef is "**/*-Input.xml", which will execute any system input definition within the inputDir that matches this pattern.

To execute system input definitions that match multiple patterns, use the inputDefs list:


You can execute exactly one system input definition using the inputDef parameter like this:

mvn tcases:tcases -DinputDef="**/My-Project-Input.xml"

You can do the same thing even more simply using the project parameter, which matches the input definition for the given project anywhere in the inputDir. For example:

mvn tcases:tcases -Dproject=My-Project

Modeling The Input Space

Tcases creates test definitions based on a system input definition that you create. But how do you do that? Learn the answer here.

Often, some of the "dimensions of variation" in the input space are not entirely independent of each other. Instead, there are relationships among these variables that constrain which combinations of values are feasible. You need a way to define those relationships so that infeasible combinations can be excluded from your test cases. And that's where properties and conditions come into play.

Defining Input Coverage

Tcases generates test case definitions by creating combinations of values for all input variables. But how does it come up with these combinations? And why these particular combinations and not others? And just how good are these test cases? Can you rely on them to test your system thoroughly?

Good questions. And here's the basic answer: Tcases generates the minimum number of test cases needed to meet the coverage requirements that you specify. But to understand what that means, you need to understand how Tcases measures coverage.

When you look carefully at the functions of your system-under-test, you may well find that some of them call for more intense testing than others. That's what a generator definition allows you to do. In fact, when you look carefully at a single function, you may be more concerned about the interactions between certain specific variables. You may even want to test every possible permutation for a small subset of key variables. Is it possible to get high coverage in a few areas and basic coverage everywhere else? Why, yes, you can. It's all explained here.

Extending Previous Test Cases (Or Not)

You know the feeling. You've spent days figuring out a minimal set of test cases that covers all test requirements. Then the developer walks up with the great news: they've decided to add a new feature with some new parameters. And they've changed their minds about some things. You know that required parameter? Well, it's optional now, so leaving it blank is no longer an error. Sheesh! Looks like it's back to the ol' test drawing board.

Or is it? You're not changing everything. Why can't you just tweak the test cases you already have? Funny you should ask. Because that's exactly what Tcases does by default.

Here's how it works. Tcases input files will normally be located within the src directory of your project, while generated test case definition files will be output to the target directory. But if you have a base test definition file for the project in the same directory as the project system input definition file, Tcases will reuse as much of the base test cases as possible, extending or modifying them only as needed.

The base test definition file for the project is specified by the testDef configuration parameter. By default, this is *-Test.xml, where the * wildcard stands for the ${projectName} for the project. For example, if the project input definition file is find-Input.xml, then the default base test definition file is find-Test.xml.

If a base definition file matching the testDef pattern exists in the project directory, Tcases will use it by default. But you might prefer to ignore previous test cases and just create new ones from scratch. That's especially true in the early stages of your project while you're still working out the details of the system input definition. If so, you can use the newTests parameter to always create new tests cases, ignoring any previous ones. For example:

mvn tcases:tcases -DnewTests=true

Reducing Test Cases

A random walk through the combinations may lead Tcases to a smaller set of test cases. So you could try repeatedly altering your generator definition with a bunch of different seed values, searching for one that minimizes the size of the generated test definition file. Sounds tedious, huh? So, don't do that -- use the tcases:reduce goal instead.

For example, let's assume you are using the default Tcases configuration, and you have a Tcases project defined by a system input definition file named ${basedir}/src/test/tcases/org/cornutum/tcases/find-Input.xml. What happens when you run the following command?

mvn tcases:reduce -DinputDef="**/find-Input.xml"

Now there is a new find-Generators.xml file that looks something like this: a generator definition that uses a random seed for all functions.

  <TupleGenerator function="*" seed="1909310132352748544" tuples="1">

But why this seed value? Because, after trying several different values, this one produced the fewest test cases.

The tcases:reduce goal runs the Tcases Reducer, and here's how it works. The reducing process operates as a sequence of "rounds". Each round consists of a series of test case generations executions called "samples". Each sample uses a new random seed to generate test cases for a specified function (or, by default, all functions) in an attempt to find a seed that produces the fewest test cases. If all samples in a round complete without reducing the current minimum test case count, the reducing process terminates. Otherwise, as soon as a new minimum is reached, a new round begins. The number of samples in each subsequent round is determined using a "resample factor". At the end of the reducing process, the generator definition file for each specified system input definition is updated with the random seed value that produces the minimum test case count.

Simple Generator Definitions

The Tcases Plugin provides configuration parameters to make it easier to create and update a simple generator definition document.

Defining A Random Seed

To define a random combination seed, use the seed parameter. For example, the following command generates test cases with a default TupleGenerator that uses the specified seed value.

mvn tcases:tcases -Dseed=299293214

If you already have a generator definition file for a project, this parameter will update the file by adding or changing the default seed value, as shown below. If no genDef file exists, it will create one.

  <TupleGenerator seed="299293214"/> 

If you'd like to randomize combinations but you're not particular about the seed value, set the newSeed parameter to true, and Tcases will choose a random seed value for you. This option can be handy when you want to see if a different seed value might produce more interesting test case combinations.

Defining The Default Coverage Level

To define the default coverage level for all functions, use the defaultTupleSize parameter. For example, the following command generates test cases with a default TupleGenerator that uses the specified coverage level.

mvn tcases:tcases -DdefaultTupleSize=2

If you already have a generator definition file for a project, this parameter will update the file by adding or changing the default tuple size value, as shown below. If no genDef file exists, it will create one.

  <TupleGenerator tuples="2"/> 

More Tips

Mix It Up: Random Combinations

By default, Tcases creates combinations of input variables by marching through the system input definition top-to-bottom, picking things up in the order in which it finds them. You might try to exploit that natural order, although satisfying constraints can take things off a predictable sequence. That's why you really shouldn't care too much about which combinations Tcases comes up with. Even better? Ask Tcases to randomize its combination procedure.

You can define random combinations in your generator definition by using the seed attribute --- see the example below. This integer value acts as the seed for a random number generator that controls the combination process. Alternatively, you can (re)define the seed value using a configuration parameter. By specifying the seed explicitly, you ensure that exactly the same random combinations will be used every time you run Tcases with this generator definition.

  <TupleGenerator function="find" seed="200712190644"> 

The results of random combination can be very interesting. First, you can end up with test cases that you might not have considered, even though they are perfectly valid and produce the same coverage. Sometimes that's just enough to expose a defect that might otherwise have been overlooked, simply because no one thought to try that case. This is an application of the principle of "gratuitous variety" to improve your tests. This also produces another benefit --- sometimes an unusual combination can demonstrate a flaw in your test design. If a combination just doesn't make sense, then it's likely that a constraint is missing or incorrect.

Finally, random combinations can occasionally reduce the number of test cases needed to meet your coverage requirements. That's because some combinations may "consume" variable tuples more efficiently than other equally-valid combinations. Tcases does not attempt to spend the enormous effort needed to guarantee an optimally minimal set of test cases. It simply starts at the beginning and does its best to get quickly to the end. But a random walk through the combinations may lead Tcases to a more efficient path. If you're concerned about the size of your test suite, try using the tcases:reduce goal.

Avoiding Unneeded Combinations

Even when Tcases is generating test cases for the default 1-tuple coverage, it's typical to see some input values used many times. This is most likely for those Var elements that contain only a few Value definitions. Even after these values have been used, Tcases will continue to reuse them to fill out the remaining test cases needed to complete the test suite. In some situations, this can be a bit of a pain. Sometimes there is a Value that you need to test at least once, but for various reasons, including it multiple times adds complexity without really increasing the likelihood of finding new failures. In this case, you can use the once attribute as a hint to avoiding reusing a value more than once.

For example, consider the find command example. The find command requires that the pattern must not exceed the maximum length of a line in the file. Even one line longer than the pattern would be enough to avoid this error condition. In fact, the principles of boundary value testing suggest that it's a good idea to have a test case that has exactly one line longer. Therefore:

<VarSet name="file" when="fileName"> 
  <VarSet name="contents" when="fileExists"> 
    <Var name="linesLongerThanPattern"> 
      <Value name="one" property="matchable"/> 

But this is a corner case that doesn't bear repeating. It's a chore to create a test file that meets this special condition, and it's complicated to stretch such a file to meet additional conditions. Moreover, it's unlikely that this special condition will have higher-order interactions with other variable combinations. So let's add once="true" to request Tcases to include this value in only one test case.

<VarSet name="file" when="fileName"> 
  <VarSet name="contents" when="fileExists"> 
    <Var name="linesLongerThanPattern"> 
      <Value name="one" property="matchable" once="true"/> 

Nice! But keep in mind that this hint may not always be respected. Even when once="true", a Value may be used more than once if it is needed to satisfy a constraint in remaining test cases.

Although the once shortcut applies only to a default 1-tuple for a single variable, there is also a more general way to define once-only exceptions to higher-order combinations, by adding Once elements to your generator definition.

Transforming Test Cases

The test case definitions that Tcases produces are not directly executable. Their purpose is to specify and guide the construction of actual tests. But because test case definitions appear in a well-defined XML document, it's not hard to transform them into a more concrete form, using XSLT stylesheets and output annotations.

For example, the following configuration sends Tcases output to a file named ${projectName}-Output.doc. But first it transforms the standard test case definition output document using the XSLT stylesheet in the myStylesheet.xsl file.


If your XSLT stylesheet uses parameters, you can assign them values using the transformParams configuration. For example:


You can even transform test case definitions into executable source code! But to do so, you may need more information about the functions, variables, and values in your input model. Try extending your input model with output annotations that are propagated to your XSLT transform.

Running Tcases For OpenAPI

Tcases for OpenAPI generates test cases for your API directly from an OpenAPI v3 definition. To run it, use the tcases:api goal.

You can even translate an OpenAPI v3 definition directly into an executable test program, using the tcases:api-test goal.

Generating API Test Cases

Let's assume you are using the default configuration for tcases:api. Suppose you have an OpenAPI definition named ${basedir}/src/test/tcases/openapi/org/myapp/My-API.yaml

What happens when you run the following command?

mvn tcases:api

API test cases happen! You'll find them in the ${basedir}/target/tcases/openapi/org/myapp directory, in two new files named My-API-Requests-Test.json and My-API-Responses-Test.json. These JSON files describe the inputs needed for tests that fully cover both the requests and the responses defined by My-API.yaml. Each file is an example of a Tcases "test definition document" -- for details, see Tcases: The Complete Guide.

These tests "fully cover" the API? And exactly sort of "coverage" is this? Good questions. For answers, see Why Tcases for OpenAPI?.

Why separate test cases for requests and responses? Because there are two sides to the input space for your API.

This simple command will actually run Tcases for OpenAPI on all OpenAPI definitions (i.e. any *.json or *.yaml file) in the default inputDir. You can use the apiDefs, apiDef, or project parameters to process only specific API definitions. For example the following command will run Tcases for OpenAPI only on the spec(s) named My-API.json or My-API.yaml.

mvn tcases:api -Dproject=My-API

Generating Executable API Tests

Let's assume you are using the default configuration for tcases:api. Suppose you have an OpenAPI definition named ${basedir}/src/test/tcases/openapi/org/myapp/My-API.yaml

What happens when you run the following command, this time using the api-test goal

mvn tcases:api-test -Dproject=My-API 

Congratulations! You just created a new JUnit test for your API! You'll find the source for the new test class in ${basedir}/target/generated-test-sources/java/org/myapp/ Build and execute this test to run all test cases for every request defined in My-API.yaml.

How was this test constructed? And what does it really do? For answers, see Generating executable tests.

Generating Request Inputs

Let's assume you are using the default configuration for tcases:api. Suppose you have an OpenAPI definition named ${basedir}/src/test/tcases/openapi/org/myapp/My-API.yaml

What happens when you run the following command?

mvn tcases:api -Dproject=My-API -DrequestCases=true

Instead of the usual descriptions of API test cases, you'll find a different file in the ${basedir}/target/tcases/openapi/org/myapp directory named My-API-Request-Cases.json. This is a request test definition that lists actual input values for all API requests defined in My-API.yaml.

Why is this useful? A request test definition automates one step in the creation of a test program that executes all API request test cases against an actual API server. For details, see Running API Test Cases.

Handling API Input Modelling Conditions

Tcases for OpenAPI reports conditions in your OpenAPI definition that will affect how test cases are generated. Warning conditions are reported with an explanation of the situation. Error conditions report elements in your definition that may need to be changed to generate tests correctly. By default, conditions are reported by writing log messages. But you can use the onModellingCondition parameter to request different handling of such conditions.

For example, when you run the following command, any input modelling condition in your definitions will cause tcases:api to report a failure.

mvn tcases:api -DonModellingCondition=fail

What is the API Input Space?

Tcases for OpenAPI generates tests cases from the API "input space" models that it automatically derives from your OpenAPI definition. But what are they? To find out, run the following command.

mvn tcases:api -DinputModels=true

Again, assuming the default configuration for tcases:api and an OpenAPI definition named ${basedir}/src/test/tcases/openapi/org/myapp/My-API.yaml, the result will be two new files named My-API-Requests-Input.json and My-API-Responses-Input.json. Each file is an example of a Tcases "input definition document" -- for details, see Tcases: The Complete Guide.