
Full name:



Runs the Tcases Reducer. For full details on the Reducer - what it does and how it works - see Tcases: The Complete Guide at


  • Requires a Maven project to be executed.

Optional Parameters

Name Type Since Description
<contentType> String - Defines the default content type for files that are read and produced. The contentType must be one of "json" or "xml". The default content type is assumed for any file that is not specified explicitly or that does not have a recognized extension. If omitted, the default content type is derived from the input definition file name.
User property is: contentType.
<function> String - Defines the function for which tests cases are reduced. If undefined, reduce test cases for all functions.
User property is: function.
<genDef> String - Defines the name for the updated generator definition file written by Reducer for an input definition file. This file name may contain at most one "*" wildcard character, in which case the "*" is replaced by the project name of the corresponding input definition file - see the inputDef parameter for details. The default value is "*-Generators.xml" or "*-Generators.json" (depending on the contentType).
User property is: genDef.
<inputDef> String - Defines a single pattern that matches the system input definition files read by Reducer, relative to the directory specified by the inputDir. If omitted, the default value matches all files of the form "*-Input.xml" or "*-Input.json". An input definition file defines a project name that is used to form the default names for other associated files. For an input definition file of the form "${prefix}-Input.xml", the project name is "${prefix}". Otherwise, the project name is the basename of the input definition file.
User property is: inputDef.
<inputDefs> Set - Defines a set of patterns that match the system input definition files read by Reducer. By default, Reducer uses the single pattern defined by the inputDef parameter.
User property is: inputDefs.
<inputDir> String - Defines the path to the directory where system input definition files are located. A relative path is applied relative to the ${basedir} of the project.
Default value is: ${basedir}/src/test/tcases.
User property is: inputDir.
<newSeed> boolean - If true, ignore any random seed defined by generators and search for a new seed to reduce test cases.
Default value is: false.
User property is: newSeed.
<project> String - A short-hand form of the inputDefs parameter that makes it easier to select the system input definition for a specific project. Equivalent to setting inputDefs to ∗∗/${project}-Input.xml,∗∗/${project}.xml,∗∗/${project}-Input.json,∗∗/${project}.json.
User property is: project.
<resampleFactor> double - Defines the resample factor. The resampleFactor determines the number of samples in the next round of reducing. Depending on the resampleFactor, the next round may use more or fewer samples. If the previous round called for N samples and produced a reduction, then the number of samples for the next round will be N * ( 1 + resampleFactor). To increase sample count with each round, define resampleFactor > 0. To decrease sample count with each round, define -1 < resampleFactor < 0.
Default value is: 0.0.
User property is: resampleFactor.
<samples> int - Defines the number of samples for the initial round of reducing.
Default value is: 10.
User property is: samples.
<testDef> String - Defines the name for the initial test case definition files read by Reducer for an input definition file. This file name may contain at most one "*" wildcard character, in which case the "*" is replaced by the project name of the corresponding input definition file - see the inputDef parameter for details. The default value is "*-Test.xml" or "*-Test.json" (depending on the contentType) or, if the junit parameter is true, "*".
User property is: testDef.

Parameter Details


Defines the default content type for files that are read and produced. The contentType must be one of "json" or "xml". The default content type is assumed for any file that is not specified explicitly or that does not have a recognized extension. If omitted, the default content type is derived from the input definition file name.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No
  • User Property: contentType


Defines the function for which tests cases are reduced. If undefined, reduce test cases for all functions.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No
  • User Property: function


Defines the name for the updated generator definition file written by Reducer for an input definition file. This file name may contain at most one "*" wildcard character, in which case the "*" is replaced by the project name of the corresponding input definition file - see the inputDef parameter for details. The default value is "*-Generators.xml" or "*-Generators.json" (depending on the contentType).
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No
  • User Property: genDef


Defines a single pattern that matches the system input definition files read by Reducer, relative to the directory specified by the inputDir. If omitted, the default value matches all files of the form "*-Input.xml" or "*-Input.json". An input definition file defines a project name that is used to form the default names for other associated files. For an input definition file of the form "${prefix}-Input.xml", the project name is "${prefix}". Otherwise, the project name is the basename of the input definition file.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No
  • User Property: inputDef


Defines a set of patterns that match the system input definition files read by Reducer. By default, Reducer uses the single pattern defined by the inputDef parameter.
  • Type: java.util.Set
  • Required: No
  • User Property: inputDefs


Defines the path to the directory where system input definition files are located. A relative path is applied relative to the ${basedir} of the project.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No
  • User Property: inputDir
  • Default: ${basedir}/src/test/tcases


If true, ignore any random seed defined by generators and search for a new seed to reduce test cases.
  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • User Property: newSeed
  • Default: false


A short-hand form of the inputDefs parameter that makes it easier to select the system input definition for a specific project. Equivalent to setting inputDefs to ∗∗/${project}-Input.xml,∗∗/${project}.xml,∗∗/${project}-Input.json,∗∗/${project}.json.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No
  • User Property: project


Defines the resample factor. The resampleFactor determines the number of samples in the next round of reducing. Depending on the resampleFactor, the next round may use more or fewer samples. If the previous round called for N samples and produced a reduction, then the number of samples for the next round will be N * ( 1 + resampleFactor). To increase sample count with each round, define resampleFactor > 0. To decrease sample count with each round, define -1 < resampleFactor < 0.
  • Type: double
  • Required: No
  • User Property: resampleFactor
  • Default: 0.0


Defines the number of samples for the initial round of reducing.
  • Type: int
  • Required: No
  • User Property: samples
  • Default: 10


Defines the name for the initial test case definition files read by Reducer for an input definition file. This file name may contain at most one "*" wildcard character, in which case the "*" is replaced by the project name of the corresponding input definition file - see the inputDef parameter for details. The default value is "*-Test.xml" or "*-Test.json" (depending on the contentType) or, if the junit parameter is true, "*".
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No
  • User Property: testDef